lunedì 16 novembre 2009

Gil Cuppini Big Band - Sof' Stroke - 1968

Gilberto "Gil" Cuppini is not a jazzman that needs to be presented.
Then just scroll through the names of friends, and great musicians, who came forward to his call, to realize the respect and credibility to the Italian jazz recognizes at this man.

This LP is a recording of a memorable concert took place in late summer of 1968 at Universal Club of Marina di Carrara, entirely dedicated to the memory of Giancarlo Testoni, well-known music critic, founder of the "Musica Jazz" magazine.


Catalog#: MLPS 04048
Format: LP
Country: Italy

Recorded at "Universal Club",Marina di Carrara (Tuscany), on Summer 1968

Fermo Lini, Alberto Corvini, Emilio Soana, Oscar Valdambrini (trumpets), Dusko Goykovich (flgh), Mario Pezzotta, Dino Piana, Nicola Castriotta (trnes), Cesare Gagliardi (bass trne), Glauco Masetti, Sergio Valenti (alto sax), Gianni Basso, Eraldo Volontè (ten sax), Sergio Rigon (bar sax, fl), Ettore Righello (p), Giorgio Azzolini (bass), Gil Cuppini (drums)


Side A

Opening "the stretch" - 0'39"
A1) Flip Top - 3'00"
A2) Sof' Stroke - 4'39"
A3) A Crystal Dream - 3'20"
A4) 'Tronicdrum - 10'18"

Side B

B1) Well Said ! - 5'12"
B2) Making Love - 4'10"
B3) Sweet Lips - 3'04"
B4) When the Angels Listen to Mario - 3'22"
B5) Hot D.O.G. - 4'00"
Ending "Lady of the lavender mist" - 2'03"

5 commenti:

  1. E invece IO mi devo andare a studiare Cuppini...l'unico Gilberto Gil per è sempre stato quello brasiliano...shame on me!!
    Grazie come sempre!

  2. il link non esiste piu qualcuno mi aiuti

  3. Any chance of a re-up? I have been looking for this for a long time!

  4. Salve per cortesia potresti ripostarlo?
    Nessuna novità per le registrazioni di Nunzio Rotondo che ti ho mandato
    Saluti e buona salute
    Alessandro Polin
